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Student Expectations

Academy Students

Students will work at PACE, ensuring Pride, Ambition, Care and Excellence for self, school and city.

  • Pride is the cornerstone of our school community, reflecting the deep sense of honour and satisfaction in our collective achievements.
  • Ambition drives us to continually reach for new heights and embrace challenges with unwavering determination.
  • Care forms the compassionate heart of our school ethos, emphasising the importance of empathy, kindness and genuine concern for the well-being of others.
  • Excellence serves as the guiding principle in all that we do, representing our unwavering commitment to achieving the highest standards of academic, personal and ethical excellence.

Students will be made aware of the following during their induction into the behaviour culture and at regular times during the academy year:

  • The expected standard of behaviour they should be displaying at the academy and during their learning.
  • That they have a duty as a young leader to follow the behaviour policy.
  • The academy’s PACE values.
  • The importance of attending school and punctuality.
  • The various rewards they can earn for meeting the behaviour, culture and PACE standards, and the consequences they will face if they don’t meet the standard.
  • The escalating behaviour policy which clearly outline the consequences of repeatedly not meeting Academy standards and expectations.
  • The pastoral support that is available to them to help them meet the behavioural standards. This includes but is not limited to, mentoring, report cards, reflection sessions and intervention.
  • Students will be supported to meet the behaviour standards and will be reminded of the expectations during each refresh assembly, academy assemblies and interactions with staff.
  • Students will be asked to give feedback on their experience of the behaviour culture to support the evaluation, improvement and implementation of the behaviour policy.
  • Extra support and induction will be provided for students who are mid-year or have missed key induction.
Pre-emptive strategies and Academy Behaviour Curriculum 

Mutual Respect

At Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams mutual respect lies at the heart of our culture. Staff are polite to students and students are polite to staff. Students will use the ‘Florence Finish’ at the end of all of their sentences which is to say ‘Sir, Miss, Mr Smith, Mrs Jones’ during interactions with adults.

For example:
Teacher: “Explain one factor that may influence the net profit of a business?”
Student: “One factor that may influence the net profit of a business would be the expenses incurred by the business sir.”
Teacher: “Why would that be a factor?”
Student: “It would be a factor because expenses are deducted from the gross profit to arrive at the net profit figure sir. If the expenses rise this may result in a lower net profit figure sir.”

Teacher: “Good morning Alice.”
Student: “Good morning Miss.”

Behaviour as a curriculum

All students are explicitly taught, and deliberately practice, our silence, entrance, exit, transitions, toilet routines and rules during their time at the Academy. All teachers pre-empt any off-task behaviour in lessons, so that 100% of students are on task for every task in every lesson. Teachers insist on one voice in the classroom for instructions, explanations and discussions, and silence for reading, writing and practice. As soon as behaviours such as any slouching, daydreaming, non-tracking or distracting occurs, teachers swiftly use these pre-emptive reminders.
Examples could include:

  • Silent non-verbal: hand signal, eye contact, facial expression, shake head, sharp pause or clicking.
  • Unnamed: ‘We’re tracking. Just waiting for 100%. We need one person … and 100%.’
  • Named: ‘David, we should be SLANTing. Thank you.’

Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams understands that school-based education is a proving ground for life and that children make mistakes. It is essential to the character development process required to be successful in life that children take responsibility for their mistakes and are supported pastorally to do so. The academy seeks to communicate regularly the standards of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour to students, families, parents and carers through social media, individual letters, assemblies and the curriculum.

In light of this, all students are expected to:

  • Behave in an orderly and self-controlled manner.
  • Show respect to members of staff and each other.
  • Behave in a way that make it possible for teachers to teach and all students to learn in their lessons, at residentials and online at home.
  • Move quietly around the academy in a quiet professional manner, including silent transitions between lessons.
  • Treat the academy buildings and property with respect.
  • Wear with pride, the correct uniform at all times.
  • Accept sanctions by taking responsibility for action and not blaming others.
  • Refrain from behaving in a way that brings the academy into disrepute, including when outside in the community or online.

Line-ups, assemblies and transitions

At the start of each day students line up in their home groups when they arrive at school from 8.10am for an 8.20am start. This allows key messages to be delivered to all students at the start of the day and to regulate the staggered and calm entry to the school building. Each transition will be orderly and we believe that silent corridors are the most effective way to ensure our students are happy and safe when in school. They are an important part of our ambition for our students to get the best possible outcomes as they ensure a minimum amount of learning time is lost through students travelling between lessons and around the school. We therefore expect our students to be silent when travelling around our school building and students who fail to meet this expectation will be sanctioned
with a correction.  This prevents conflict, lost learning and maintains a calm, focused approach to learning. Students can always demonstrate PACE during transitions and will be expected to positively interact with staff such as saying “Good morning sir.”

Each year group has daily standing assemblies and an assembly once per week which focuses on a whole school theme. Senior and pastoral leaders, coupled with guest speakers, will deliver these over the course of an academic year. At the start of each half term, time will be dedicated to refresh assemblies in which senior staff will reiterate and explain the rationale and expectations of students at Co-op Academy Florence MacWilliams.

When a student’s behaviour meets or goes above and beyond the expected behaviour standard, staff will recognise it with positive recognition and reward. This provides an opportunity for all staff to reinforce the academy’s culture and ethos. Positive reinforcements and rewards will be applied clearly and fairly to reinforce the routines, expectations and codify social norms of the academy’s behaviour culture.

Positive behaviour will be rewarded with:

  • Public praise and recognition from staff and peers.
  • Positive points being awarded on Arbor.
  • Staff awarding a ‘Star of the Lesson’ and a ‘Character’ of the lesson for reasons such as embodying the Academy ethos of PACE, showing excellent levels of effort, overcoming difficulty, excellent academic progress or achievement and presentation of work.
  • Staff making ‘positive phone calls’ home to families, parents, and carers each week.
  • Praise postcards being sent home to families, parents, and carers each week.
  • Being invited for hot chocolate with the Headteacher for embodying the Academy ethos or going above and beyond Academy expectations.
  • ‘Stars of the Week’ as nominated by your Head of Year to receive a certificate, personal phone call home from the Headteacher and being acknowledged in the weekly newsletter.
  • Praise and appreciation during assemblies and family dining.
  • Receiving subject awards each term from your class teacher for excellent effort, commitment, progress and achievement in subject specialisms.
  • Invitation to our annual celebration assembly.
  • Arbor points earning milestone badges of stars, bronze cup, silver cup, gold cup, half colours and full colours as students’ progress through the seven years of education at Co-op Florence MacWilliams.
  • Opportunities to represent the Academy to external guests and visitors.